👋 hey, I'm brendan

I'm a product engineer based in New York City. I love building engaging, scalable, and beautiful digital experiences.

Me doing not so safe things
La Jolla Shores at sunset
Me at Scripps Pier
SF skyline view at Ina Coolbrith Park
Me at my old apartment in Seattle
Me at UW with the cherry blossoms in full bloom

Currently, I'm a Founding Engineer at finny logoFINNY (YC S24), building vertical AI agents to help financial advisors grow.

Previously, I've worked at Roame logoRoame as a Founding Engineer, brought virtual healthcare experiences to third world countries with Amazon Care logoAmazon Care (RIP), and developed backend infrastructure and trained machine learning models at Amazon logoAmazon Science.

I've also done full-stack software consulting for a few clients, creating end-to-end solutions for their businesses on both web and mobile platforms.